Friday, November 18, 2011

Three Wheeled Vehicle and Reverse Trike The Campagna T-Rex

 The Campagna T-Rex view image
The Motor is a three wheels that use it? Perhaps this question would come out if you look at it. This is the Campagna T-Rex on modifications to such an extent. But did you know you will put out more to run on highways, may cost be able to get the motor itself, that's very expensive modifications and there is no size limit, costs in its core is the satisfaction of the individual itself.
This motorcycle is a motorcycle modifications stemming stu from TOKYO.

motorcycleThree Wheeled Vehicle and Reverse Trike The Campagna T-Rex motorcycleThree Wheeled Vehicle and Reverse Trike The Campagna T-Rex, Three Wheeled Vehicle and Reverse Trike The Campagna T-Rex Three Wheeled Vehicle and Reverse Trike The Campagna T-Rex

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
